Advocacy for Independent Artists and Cultural Workers

Advocacy efforts and policy work to support sustainability in New York City.


TOWN Hall | What Do Artists Need: Advocacy & Policy

August 26, 2020

Members of the arts and culture community discuss what policies and advocacy efforts are important and necessary to support sustainability for independent artist in New York City. Panelists include: Audre Wirtanen - dance artist and scientist, and co-founder of Hyp-ACCESS; Benedict Nguyen - Writer, Dancer, and Curator; Cat Kirk and David Gonsier of Dance Artists' National Collective; Edisa Weeks - Educator at Queens College and Director of DELIRIOUS Dances; Nico Tower - Intermedia Artist, and Educator; Rafael Espinal of Freelancers Union; Sugar Vendil - Composer, Pianist, and Interdisciplinary Artist

[Transcription Available here ]